Monday, June 27, 2005

Randy's punctuation situation.

After getting about halfway through my live bookmarks this morning, I came upon the latest JumboJoke: Why Law School Costs So Much. Which really isn't all that funny. But I mention it because the prior joke, Rules For Clear Writing, had a definite grammar police bent. Which I find very pleasing indeed. And within the RFCW post, several nods to proper punctuation arose.

Now I know Randy does not write these jokes. But he does edit them. And the WLSCSM post had what I thought was a glaring punctuation error. In the second-to-last paragraph, he opened an embedded quote ('I hereby give...), but never closed it. For shame.

So I looked around for a contact address with which to point out the error. And, after not finding one, I moved over to "This Is True." Where I found this tidbit where he indicated his belief that not only is the American practice of placing commas and periods within a quote, where the quote indicates the title of a publication, illogical and lazy--an opinion to which he is entitled, although one with which I disagree--but also incorrect. Or at least less correct than the British rule. I cannot imagine upon what basis one could deem a widely accepted rule of grammar incorrect, or even less correct. Perhaps someone could inform me? Is there an International Association of Grammatical Correctness, the existence of which has been hidden from me?


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