Could someone please explain to me how the criticizing foreign policy decisions of national leaders endangers troops? How objecting to racial generalizations about Arabs undermines the military? How trash-talking the President makes us less safe?
I believe the thinking is "If you say Bush is a doo-doo head, then our enemies will see that and say, 'Look, the Americans are weak and don't trust their leader! We can win this war' and that gives 'aid and comfort' to our enemies" (Hannity loves to use that latter phrase. - wyz
I thought the thinking was that bringing "the troops" into the debate deflects criticism of Bush and other leaders and makes it land onto the 18 year-olds that got suckered into joining the army in the name of nationalism/poverty. This would lead people with the opinion that Bush is a doo-doo head to keep their mouths shut - one of the many reasons why Combes only says 1 1/2 words during his show (the second word is usually interupted by Hannity)-AM
Ah hearing about Bush being called a doo-doo head brings me back to election night when I took a crap on a picture of Bush's face -rb
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