Sunday, April 24, 2005

Teflon-coated toilets.

After scrubbing shit from the sides of my low-flow bowl for the umpteenth time, I'm given to wonder why the crapper industry has yet to market a Teflon-coated toilet. I mean, we eat off Teflon, so it can't be something about Teflon and the water supply. And we already have steel toilets as an option, so it cannot be the Teflon-ceramic interaction that is holding them back. Why?

I did stumble across Halfbakery's treatment of the very same idea (after thinking it up independently). And could not find any downsides. And apparently the toilet cleaner industry has caught on. So what's up American Standard, et al.? Too busy trying to figure out how to flush golf balls to ponder the sticky factor?


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