Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Move the fight on terrorism off US soil?

One latecomer justification for the Iraq War is that by invading Iraq, the US has created a state of chaos. Say what? I gather the idea is that by making Iraq such a mess, the terrorists will see this as their chance to get noticed and really instill some fear in the squares. The terrorists will drop whatever their doing elsewhere in the world and join the party.

Even if this were true (and not just a lie Bush tells himself to explain why people in Iraq keep killing American soldiers, given that real Iraqis are of course grateful, and welcomed American soldiers as liberators), it is still one of the most backwards pieces of reasoning to which I've ever been privy. It is akin to the Union and the Confederacy putting aside their differences to move the whole war to Mexico, because that way American civilians will not be so severely impacted. [Actually, it is more akin to the Union deciding to unilaterally move the Civil War to Mexico, hoping the Confederate soldiers follow. But let's just put that aside for the moment.] What about the impact on the Mexican people? It is horrifying for a government to use its own civilian population as bait; it is much more horrifying for a government to use another civilian population as bait.

Would I rather fight terrorism on US soil than in Iraq, Ms. Rice? Absolutely. Because at least that way it is the beneficiaries that are taking the risk. Because at least that way I get to sleep at night.


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