Thursday, November 11, 2004


There's a new film coming out called Kinsey that has Dr. Laura spitting mad, so for that alone I think I'll probably throw some money in its general direction. But beyond that, I'm truly intrigued. I don't know much about Kinsey the man, other than that he came up with the Kinsey Scale, which seems to capture the human sexual condition better than most summary sociology. At least it gives us a framework in which to speak about sexual orientation. While Dr. Laura and her ilk may want to continue to social trend of shaming everyone into zeros and sixes (or maybe just zeros), at least post-Kinsey we are all on the same page. Whether one wants to treat those of us occupying the "center" as normal, abnormal, perverted, or just playful, the quantification of orientation should be seen as a step forward. Kudos to Kinsey and Bill Condon for bringing him to the big screen. And for casting the delightful Laura Linney.


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