Tuesday, August 03, 2004

The Bourne Supremacy

Watched The Bourne Supremacy last night. Enjoyable enough. But for some reason the new director, a guy by the name of Paul Greengrass, seems to have decided that to make his movie more "authentic" or "real" or "good," he'd cherry pick from Dogme 95's Vow of Chastity. Looked like nothing but on location shooting, albeit with numerous props. Looked like the film took place "here and now." And it looked like most of the film was done with a hand-held. Why? It certainly couldn't have been that he was trying to create a Dogme film. It was a genre picture, it had a great deal of "superficial" violence, it had outside music. Perhaps someone should buy this Paul Greengrass a tripod and stop distracting us.


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